Activities and fundraising
COLLECTING another 900 hearing aids given to us by the Hearing department of the R.D &E Hospital, Exeter here is a photo of the presentation:-

WizEar would like to express profound gratitude towards your continued support in making ear and hearing healthcare provision a reality for many under privileged children and adults living with hearing impairment in Zimbabwe. We now have over 250 clients under our hearing aid programme and thanks to your support, all clients are benefitting from comprehensive follow up services. I have the pleasure of attaching a report for the hearing aid fitting clinic held in June 2015.

Photo of staff at clinic who fit Hearing aids to deaf children in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Click above on "Report" for more information and pictures. Post Script we sent another 125 hearing aids in April 2018
On Sunday August 12th 2018 we ran a stall at Marsh Barton Car Boot Sale, and raised £!07.30.The total for the 3 run this year is £282.30
We ran a parking area at Barnfield car park,and raised £150 in one session
On September 8th 2018,we had 3 spaces at Tedburn St. Mary Fair, one for the Bottle Stall, to win a bottle of wine, Two, the cake stall, which also had savoury Items. A good selection of cakes, to which Lion Sharon Foster donated 90 cup cakes that she had made--well done to all the ladies who contributed and sold the cakes, Jenny Mitchell, Michaela Lake, Lion Sue Bates and Lion Marjorie Cane. The third area was the back of Lion Neil Moxeys van, where Lion Twiggy Lake and Lion Neil Moxey were asking for donations for pairs of Flip Flops. We had been given 500 pairs by the Eden Project, all nicely packed in linen bags, all adult sizes ,and people donated money to get a pair. We made £154.50 for local promote Lions, member of Exeter West club Twiggy Lake, dressed in his Lion costume and went around the fair with his wife who carried a collecting bucket. The children loved him. He then went to the climbing tower on the Fair site, in his costume, and climbed almost to the top. before sliding down to the ground. Here are some pictures of the day.
On Wednesday September 19th,we held a 10 pin Bowling evening
We were given free use of the alleys by Haven Banks bowling club manager, and got enough bowlers to use 18 alleys. Each player paid £10 to play with 6 players per team, and Jenny Mitchell ran the draw, which raised £234.01. The grand total was £1339.We presented a cheque for £500 to Balloons, a charity for helping bereaved children, and a cheque for £500 to CLIC (charity for Leukaemia in children).Both charities put teams in. The winners were presented with trophies. The winning team were from Hospiscare, and the person with the highest score was Matt Lake. The person with the lowest score was me, the writer of this article!--Lion Marjorie Cane, and I received Eyore. a lovely cuddly toy. which I gave to Lion Clif Cane's great grandson, Reuben aged 21 months, and he loved Eyore.. A great evening with a fun and happy atmosphere.
Here are some photos of the evening.

Visit to the Memory Cafe, Dunsford
On September 11th 2018,several of our Lion club members, visited the Memory Cafe at Dunsford. The members of the cafe who are Alzheimer's sufferers and their carers, were there that day, to plant spring bulbs in their individual plant pots, with help from us and carers, We donated the compost that they used. We enjoyed interacting, and also enjoyed the coffee and cakes given to us!
Here are a few photos of the visit :-
A party of witches ,wizards and spooks gathered at the house of Lion Martin Fairley, and wife Linda, for a lunchtime party. We were able to sit outside in warm sunshine some of the time, on their sheltered patio. We retired indoors to eat hot food, supplied by members and member's wives, and two tasty hotpots made by Linda. We then enjoyed a selection of cold and hot puddings, tea and coffee.
Many thanks Martin and Linda for hosting a very enjoyable party. Here is a photo:-
February 25th 2017,
We ran a Race night at the British Legion club in Alphington for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. This entailed showing DVD's of Horse races,8 horses in each race (8 races in all). People paid £1 per horse number of their choice (1 to 8) and the winner per race was paid however much had been bet on the winning horse. We raised £1127 and the MS society gave us back £250 for our Lion club funds. They all thoroughly enjoyed this fun evening, as did the Lions who ran it.
On March 4th 2017,we held a Casino Night at Exeter Court Hotel
A successful evening of professionally run Casino games, and included a 2 course meal. We raised £1800 and gave £600 to Resolve, a women's refuge in Exeter, and £600 to "Stop the traffic South West", which is to enable this charity to stop people being made to work here against their will. It is not well known that this goes on in our area.
Easter Egg fund raising project
Several Lion members took Easter eggs to various locations---pubs and Staverton Railway club, where draw tickets were sold to win an Egg. We spent £152 on buying the Easter Eggs, and made £523 profit, a big part of that figure was raised by Lion Sue Bates at Staverton. Well done Sue.
Lion Ladies evening out
Lion Mavis organised a meal out at Prezzo's Restaurant in Exeter for Lion ladies, partners of Lions, and friends. All meals of our own choice were thoroughly enjoyed by all ten of us.. Here is a photo of the restaurant.
From March 2017 to December 23rd 2017 our members are supporting raising money for Children's Hospice South West .
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we are in Princesshay Exeter, selling draw tickets, along with other volunteers, to win a brand new Toyota Hybrid car, which has been donated by Toyota, to this very worthy cause. Every penny collected will go to the Children's Hospice South West. Here is a photo of the tent and car in Princesshay.
The draw took place on December 23rd 2017,and the winner lives in Exmouth. £15.000 was raised for Children's Hospice South West, which was a wonderful effort. Thanks to Toyota and all the volunteers selling tickets, and the people who bought them.
Our Yearly 10 pin bowling evening October 9th 2017
We held a very successful bowling evening .The alley was given without charge, by Haven Banks Bowling Alley for our use, as all money raised is given to charities.14 teams of 6 entered and the winning team was from Hospiscare. Jenny Mitchell ran a draw, and raised £175.We presented a cheque for £500 to Hospiscare, and have sent £500 to the Parkinson's disease society. Here are some photos of the trophies being presented by Lion President Dave Lyon. Thanks to Lion Neil and Lion Mike for organising this event
Christmas collections December 2017
We took our collecting buckets to Morrisons in Exeter, on December 20th,Sainsburys Alphington Exeter on December 21st,22nd and 23rd. People were very generous and we collected £2557 to give to our local charities. Well done to all of our Lions who gave up their time to do this, especially our Father Christmas Lion Paul Williams who did a great job, interacting with the customers and children as they came in. Here is a photo of him.
Horse Racing Night
On Friday March 16th 2018,we ran a Racing night in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis society. This entails showing films of horse races on a screen. There are 8 horses in each of 8 races. The public choose a horse number, and bet £1 a horse. All 8 horses are then sold individually to the highest bidder. At the end of showing the race, all the people who bet on the winning horse got a share of the winnings, and the owner of the horse got half of the total bet on all 8 horses ,which could be over £60.We raised £1350 for the M.S. society which was a wonderful amount in one evening
Here is a photo of Lion Ashley writing down the amounts of bids, and one of Lion Neil encouraging people to bet on owning a horse
When Exeter West Lions visited the Acorn &Squirrels Riding for the Disabled Group at Oaklands Stables recently they found that an additional experienced cob horse would enable the RDA group to provide more riding exercise for their disabled riders. Having seen the enjoyment and the therapeutic benefits that the disabled riders obtained from their riding sessions the then Lion President, Alan Benson, with the Club's agreement, made the obtaining of a suitable pony one of the major projects for his year.
A search began ,with the RDA Group leading, and eventually an ideal candidate, INKY, was found- she is an 11 year old sturdy 14.2 hands cob with a wonderful temperament- and the purchase was arranged with Exeter West Lions Club's assistance.
Inky Past President Dr Alan Benson presents a cheque for £1,000 to Riding for the Disabled.
Fund raising day at Tedburn St. Mary. Sept 10th 2016
This is an annual event, with lots of different stalls, food tent, competions, Vintage cars, a remote controlled Dalek, coconut shy etc, and our Lions club's two stalls, one a cake stall, selling cakes made by the ladies --Lions and partners of Lions. The second stall was a table with empty wine bottles on it. Each bottle had a different coloured sticker on the base. People paid £1 to pick a bottle. If it had a red sticker they won a real bottle of wine, any other colour lost .Here are some pictures of Lion members and President Mike's wife, Jenny , getting the stalls ready, and The cake stall (with Jenny) and the bottle stall (with Lion Carol).We raised over £160 for our charity fund.
On December 13th Morrisons allowed us to collect for our charities at their Store and on December 22nd 2016 and December 23rd 2016 we were given permission by Sainsburys to collect for their charity , Air Ambulance and for our own charities, one of which is Hospiscare. To make those two days more festive, we hired one of the old fashioned Fairground organs, and this attracted a lot of interest.. Here is a picture of the Fairground Organ, and one of group of our Lions club ,David Lyon, David Gubbin, Lion Mavis Crowley, and Mary Collins, wife of Lion Peter, with their collecting tins