Talks on various subjects
We often invite speakers from various organisations to tell of of their work and ask how we can help. For instance, at one of our Dinner meetings, we had a speaker from FARMS FOR CHILDREN. Jane Foy told us about inner city children being taken as a school class with their teacher to have a residential holiday on one of three farms, the nearest one to our club is in Nethercott, North Devon. The founder of these farms was Michael Morpurgo (who wrote "Warhorse"),and his wife Clare. He realised that a lot of children had never seen farm animals, and this was so true--the children that went to these farms were amazed at the size of the fields and loved the fresh air and helping with the work on the farm.
When we asked how Lions could help, it was to donate money to enable these children to go to a farm, and have this wonderful experience. We all agreed that this was a worthwhile project for our club, and we are hoping that Jane can arrange for us to visit Nethercott Farm